什么是coherent-light 英文缩写: coherent-light 中文译名: 相干光 分 类: 移动
2010-02-22 17:18
for the test of analog-to-digital (ADC) converters. Based on the theory of coherent sampling, the calculator allows a user to chose input and sam
2009-05-01 10:47
for the test of analog-to-digital (ADC) converters. Based on the theory of coherent sampling, the calculator allows a user to chose input and sam
2009-04-25 10:01
and ultra-fast data converters is coherent sampling. This technique increases the spectral resolution of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and eliminat
2009-04-25 10:21
and ultra-fast data converters is coherent sampling. This technique increases the spectral resolution of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and eliminat
2009-04-16 16:31
and ultra-fast data converters is coherent sampling. This technique increases the spectral resolution of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and eliminat
2009-05-01 10:56
昨日,有媒体报道行业巨头Lumentum将以现金加股票的形式并购另一大巨头Coherent,当晚两家公司都在各自官网上公开确认了并购传闻。 最新公布 当地时间1月19日,Lumentum
2021-01-20 11:35
近日,Coherent公司宣布了一项重要决定,将其位于英国达勒姆郡Newton Aycliffe的化合物半导体制造工厂出售给英国国防部,交易金额高达2000万英镑。此次交易不仅为工厂的未来注入了新的活力,也确保了英国在砷化镓半导体技术领域的领先地位得以延续。
2024-09-29 18:01
2021-04-27 16:59
Abstract: A novel DSP based coherent receiver for 
2010-07-01 13:07