FEATURES• Suitable for negative vision modulation• Applicable for IF frequencies of 38.9, 45.75 and58.75 MHz• Gain controlled wide-band Vision IntermediateFrequency (VIF) amplifier (AC-coupled)R
2008-07-15 15:16
TDA9801各引脚功能的电压参数资料 概述:TDA9801是一个电视中频PLL解调/鉴频电路。它一般用在早期彩电电路中。
2008-03-10 22:05
2021-03-24 06:12
2021-07-02 07:13
概述:TDA9801是一个电视中频PLL解调/鉴频电路。它一般用在早期彩电电路中。 &
2009-10-17 10:28
The RT9801A/B is a micro-power voltage detectorsupervising the power supply voltage level
2008-12-14 10:19
TDA8742应用电路 TDA8742 pdf datasheet
2008-09-23 17:54
tda2030 pdf datasheet .
2006-04-17 21:23
The TDA8742; TDA8742H is a multi-function sound IC foruse in satellite receivers, television sets
2008-09-19 15:53
TDA8741; TDA8741H Satellite sound circuit with noise reductionThe TDA8741; TDA8741H
2008-09-19 15:44