This document provides an overview of wireless networking technologies and wireless handheld devicesmost commonly used in an office environment and with today’s mobile workforce. This document seeksto assist agencies in reducing
2008-07-13 00:08
什么是802.11a 术语名称:802.11a 术语解释:工作在5GHz频段的54Mbps速率无线局域网标准。
2010-02-24 09:39
本文以IEEE 802.11a标准为基础,建立了OFDM-WLAN系统的物理层模型,并对该系统的各个模块进行了仿真。重点对OFDM-WLAN设计中的关键技术,如载波同步、定时同步以及信道估计算法进行了讨论。
2019-05-13 08:20
IEEE802.11a协议标准 IEEE802.11a是美国电机电子工程师协会(IEEE)为了改进其最初推出的无线
2010-01-06 11:04
Knightlytypes (802.11a, b, and g) and service differentiation (802.11e).Further, the security amendments to the standard (
2008-07-13 00:15
We focus our paper on wireless local area networks suchas IEEE 802.11 that have become popular
2008-07-13 00:04
with Atheros AR5423A chipsetChipset Atheros AR5423A RF/ BBP/ MAC Single chipStandards IEEE
2009-03-16 09:42
在摩尔定律驱使的半导体行业,一个技术标准能够持续好几年不更新已经是一件相当罕见的事儿了。主宰我们身边无线网络的IEEE 802.11协议就是这么一个奇怪的标准:从第一台
2019-08-19 07:21
WLANs are based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, which the IEEE first developed in 1997.
2008-07-13 00:09
IEEE Std 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11b-Cor1,
2008-07-13 00:29