2017-08-29 16:54
MIT通信的经典教材John M. Wozencraft and Irwin M. Jacobs, “Principles of Communication Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 跪求答案
2023-10-23 15:07
`一、看威武霸气的封面作者:Daniel J. Barrett (Author) 二、读读简介,看看适合你吗?If you use Linux in your day-to-day work
2015-09-12 00:39
本帖最后由 allenxie 于 2012-12-1 20:26 编辑 最近安装了Multisim 12,发现Power Pro Edition和Full Edition是有区别的,Power
2012-12-01 20:25
2009-11-11 15:53
necessary for the relatively slow disks.The third edition of Understanding the Linux Kernel takes you
2017-11-07 15:19
Wiley - 《Array and Phased Array Antenna Basics》 1Radiation2Antennas 
2009-06-16 17:34
2010-01-05 16:12
2017-03-28 22:43
Arm®Development Studio Morello Edition是一款适用于裸金属嵌入式系统和基于Linux的系统的专业软件开发解决方案。它涵盖了从启动代码和内核移植到应用程序和裸机调试
2023-08-02 14:39