The TPS65168 provides a simple and economic power supply solution for a wide variety of LCD bias
2010-11-03 23:01
2021-04-07 07:07
描述Automotive backup supply 12V @1A, sepic w/ TPS40210 on universal board PMP2773RevC
2018-07-13 04:08
2017-03-04 12:54
beam epitaxy (MBE) which has excellent control featuresand our development of an SAM laser with an ideal laserstructure, we have succeeded in the hitherto unthinkablemass production of our RLD series of laser diodes.An example which compares the dispersion of q^ and q/ /characteristics of our RLD-78MA with a previous productis shown in Fig. 9. Dispersion has been reduced to lessthan one-third that of the previous product, and this tightdispersion range means that we can consistently supplylarge quantities of laser diodes which are optimum for thetarget application.
2009-05-12 10:57
Use of Light Sensors to Enable Smart Features in Energy Efficient ElectronicsBrightness Control
2011-08-06 21:29
TPS54531 改负压输出我想用TPS54531改成-10V5A的输出,输入都可以;我在论坛里看到TPS54060A的正压芯片改负压的电路,我看就是把输出接地,把地当成负压输出;我想问:1.是不是
2021-12-28 06:53
batteries. This reference design demonstrates a circuit based on the TPS61236 for the USB output
2018-08-30 08:57
我司专业生产10/100BASE带POE的网络变压器,提供单口,四口,802.3AF和802.3AT协议,可与PMP717 ,TPS23750, TPS23753,TPS23753,
2011-05-03 17:44
2021-04-02 07:25