2010-07-23 10:49
AD9540: 655 MHz Low Jitter Clock Generator Data Sheet
2021-01-28 15:37
With the 81134A it is easy toadd jitter to any kind of dataor clock signal. This is veryuseful
2010-07-21 20:04
2008-11-27 08:42
an extremely clean clock signal to make sure an external clock source does not contribute undesired noise to the overal dynamic per
2009-04-16 16:34
ALL How DISCRETE JITTER is calculated for output clock if I0 and I1 both connected to BUFGCTRL? I get 335ns DJ while source
2019-03-22 09:30
Aperture Jitter Calculator for ADCs Abstract: This application note clarifies the operation
2009-09-18 08:38
你好,CDCE6214-Q1参考时钟一般用什么来提供,这个clock的要求是什么,需要jitter非常小吗? 给多个器件提供时钟,采用CDCE6214-Q1这种时钟生成器,和采用振荡器加clock buffer这两
2024-11-12 07:28
Discrete Jitter是由MMCM/PLL引入的,其具体数值可通过点击图2中Clock Uncertainty的数值查看,如图5所示。通常,VCO的频率越高,引入
2018-11-12 14:40
The SL16020DC is a low power dissipation spread spectrum clock generator using SLI proprietary low jitter PLL.
2017-09-11 12:53