LEDs for general lighting: what they offer and their design in retrofit lamps This tutorial
2010-05-14 08:47
高压 LEDs 光源的成功生产为LED 照明灯具开辟了一个新的视野,开创了一片新天地。高压LEDs 模组光源(HV LEDs),它的正向工作电压VF 相比LVLED 是高压的,可以人为的在生
2019-04-29 08:52
LEDs allow new remote-controlled lighting applications One benefit LEDs offer in general lighting
2010-05-14 08:42
The origins of LEDs and their traditional applications are discussed. Some new applications for the improved technology are presented.
2009-05-04 08:56
three forms of LED illumination in a mobile (clamshell) phone. This circuit multiplexes the drive to three sets of LEDs fo
2009-04-20 11:08
Abstract: This application note discusses techniques to drive LEDs with the MAX6956 and MAX6957
2009-04-23 14:21
2020-03-12 11:30
Innovasic宣布推出用于PROFIBUS连接新版RapID平台网络接口,接口支持最高12Mb/s数据传输率,通过PROFIBUS & PROFINET国际组织(PI)DP-V1认证。
2013-05-07 14:25
加速数据分析:使用 RAPID cuDF 进行更快的时间序列分析
2023-07-05 16:30
固态照明(超高亮度LEDs)简介 传统的灯泡和灯管时代将逐渐被超高亮度LEDs(发光二极管)所取代。 超高亮度LEDs正迅速普及,并
2010-03-20 09:31