Proximity Detector Features Ultrasonic Transducers
2008-11-24 10:03
本帖最后由 一只耳朵怪 于 2018-6-14 09:33 编辑 UL认证简介 UL主要从事产品的安全认证和经营安全证明业务,其终目的是为市场得到具有相当安全水准的商品,为人身健康和财产安全
2018-06-13 19:18
beam epitaxy (MBE) which has excellent control featuresand our development of an SAM laser with an ideal laserstructure, we have succeeded in the hitherto unthinkablemass production of our RLD series of laser diodes.An example which compares the dispersion of q^ and q/ /characteristics of our RLD-78MA with a previous productis shown in Fig. 9. Dispersion has been reduced to lessthan one-third that of the previous product, and this tightdispersion range means that we can consistently supplylarge quantities of laser diodes which are optimum for thetarget application.
2009-05-12 10:57
Use of Light Sensors to Enable Smart Features in Energy Efficient ElectronicsBrightness Control
2011-08-06 21:29
2015-06-13 11:54
MIKROE-2801,Proximity 3 CLICK Board是一款智能接近和光感应设备,具有VCNL4200传感器,高灵敏度长距离接近传感器(PS),环境光传感器(ALS)和940 nm
2019-10-18 08:40
产品名称UL 标准附注电线、电缆、通讯线UL1582电线插头UL817包插带插头电源线塑料UL94 746A、B、C包括油墨、线路板材等线路板
2018-07-27 16:48
2021-06-03 15:40
UL60950 是IT类电源的一个北美的标准,是一个安规标准。安规主要是讲的产品的安全方面,比如电源的温升,耐压,绝缘等等这些要求,不同的产品,不同的地区有不同的安规标准。比如IT类电源 用
2020-05-25 11:08
2021-12-28 06:12