high-side current-sense amplifier. This modification enables that amplifier to sense currents down to 0V common
2009-05-06 11:12
high-side current-sense amplifier. This modification enables that amplifier to sense currents down to 0V common
2009-05-07 08:54
PCB印制图案间应留有足够的间隔 印制图案间隔由电路上所加电压及相应的安全规定来确定。安全规定确定了印制图案间隔与耐压
2009-11-19 08:58
加法器:Summing Amplifier The summing amplifier, a special case of the inverting amplifier, is shown in Figure
2009-05-16 12:38
反相放大器 The Inverting Amplifier The basic operational amplifier circuit is shown in Figure 1. This
2009-05-16 12:35
什么是CMIP (Common Management Information Protocol) 英文缩写: CMIP (Common Management Information Protocol) 中
2010-02-22 10:45
什么是COBOL (Common business Oriented Language) 英文缩写: COBOL (Common business Oriented Language) 中文译名: COBOL语言 分 类:
2010-02-22 11:36
High-Side Current Amplifier Forms 28V Circuit Breaker Abstract: Using the MAX4373 high-side
2009-08-31 17:39
什么是CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) 英文缩写: CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) 中文译名: 通用对象请求
2010-02-22 11:48
什么是CC (Common Criteria) 英文缩写: CC (Common Criteria) 中文译名: 共同准则 分 类: 运营与支撑 解 释:
2010-02-22 10:59