In the past decade the wireless industry has attracted the attention ofmany researchers, industrialists, and even investors. The current exponentialgrowth of the wireless market requires wireless transceivers withever increa
2009-07-21 08:11
Digital Frequency Synthesis Demystified: This text deals with emerging modern digital
2009-07-25 17:08
CMC251 1.3 GHz Frequency Counter:The 10 MHz internal time base (using a highly stabilized
2009-09-29 10:56
什么是Logic Synthesis?Logic Synthesis用于将输入的高级语言描述(如HDL、verilog)转换为门级电路的网络表示。
2023-10-24 15:56
Synthesis and Optimization4 Architectural-Level Synthesis and Optimization5 Scheduling Algorithms6 Resource Shari
2009-07-23 08:55
Synthesis Place & Route
2016-02-19 16:48
Descriptionfrequencies 960 MHz to 4.2 GHz and 3.7 to 12.4 GHz can be read directly andaccurately
2010-07-08 15:13
Verilog HDL Synthesis (A Practical Primer)
2009-02-12 09:36
UG1856: Evaluating the ADRF6521 Low Frequency to 3 GHz Dual VGA with Output Common - Mode and DC Offset Control
2021-01-28 11:26
频率合成信号源,Multi-frequency signal generator 关键字:频率信号源 为了获得频率稳定的方波信号,笔者
2018-09-20 19:20