IEEE Std 802.16™/Conformance01-2003 IEEE Standard for Conformance to
2008-07-24 00:42
IEEE Std 802.16™-2004(Revision of IEEE Std
2008-07-23 23:30
ieee802.16标准:ieee 802.16-2004,ieee 802.16.2-2004,ieee
2008-07-13 03:14
802.16TM ConformanceIEEE Standard for Conformance to IEEE 802.16Part 1: Protocol
2008-07-24 00:40
Abstract: This document amends IEEE Std 802.16-2001 by enhancing the medium access control layer
2009-08-06 10:55
[This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1226.3-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Interface
2008-08-12 00:09
IEEE STD C57.12.59-2001标准,IEEE STD C57.12.59-2001标准
2008-07-27 18:32
: Bridging of IEEE 802.16™IEEE3 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10016-5997, USA14 August 2007
2008-07-24 00:35
IEEE Std 1226-1998(Revision ofIEEE Std 1226-1993)IEEE ABBET™
2008-08-11 23:46
2008-07-13 03:26