HMC8401-DIE S-Parameters
2021-02-05 12:34
HMC8401-DIE S-Parameters
2021-03-06 13:17
ATAB5743P3-S4,用于ATA8401 UHF ASK / FSK工业发射机的演示板。 ATA8401是PLL发送器IC,专为工业应用的RF低成本传输系统的需求而开发,数据速率高达50 Kbit /
2019-04-22 07:13
An examination of network analyzer two-port measurements and S-parameters
2018-09-15 02:41
This Article is intended to explain the basics of “what’s behind S-parameters” from a modeling
2019-06-14 16:43
HMC5883L 是一种表面贴装的高集成模块,并带有数字接口的弱磁传感器芯片,应用于低成本罗盘和磁场检测领域。HMC5883L 包括最先进的高分辨率HMC118X系列磁阻传感器,并附带集成电路包括
2016-04-16 09:04
本帖最后由 我也是醉了 于 2015-5-6 17:43 编辑 HMC5883L是很常用的磁场传感器,但是已经有更新的传感器HMC5983发布。同时相比于HMC5883,还有如下优势1. 可
2015-05-06 15:28
This packet includes component locators, schematics and parts lists with Keysight and manufacturer's part numbers.
2019-10-16 17:40
The discussion includes the common parameters (S-parameters). RF fundamentals such as transmission lines and the Smith chart will a
2018-10-08 17:49
to characterize linear parameters (gain/loss, phase and group delay or S-parameters) as well
2019-06-12 14:11