that are produced when a device is struckwith an incident wave. S-parameters becomemportant when
2008-07-23 12:34
2024-03-06 06:50
2024-03-06 07:33
我们一个项目使用到了HMC-ALH482,在微组装之后,测量VDD管脚到地电阻为16.5欧姆左右,上电之后 电源总电流为140mA,但是根据手册中看到放大器的电流应该是45mA左右,请问是否正常。
2023-11-22 07:16
我们一个项目使用到了HMC-ALH482,在微组装之后,测量VDD管脚到地电阻为16.5欧姆左右,上电之后 电源总电流为140mA,但是根据手册中看到放大器的电流应该是45mA左右,请问是否正常。
2018-12-27 11:29
An examination of network analyzer two-port measurements and S-parameters
2018-09-15 02:41
data, i got only magnitude to the corresponding frequencies.Q1. Howto save S-parameters in complex
2018-09-26 15:19
This Article is intended to explain the basics of “what’s behind S-parameters” from a modeling
2019-06-14 16:43
and 010), is there any way I can see S-parameters with this unit?
2019-02-21 14:58
The discussion includes the common parameters (S-parameters). RF fundamentals such as transmission lines and the Smith chart will a
2018-10-08 17:49