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  • 为什么802.11ac WLAN技术与测试网络广播很重要?

    challenges that R&D and test engineers may face as they implement the new features in this standard

    2019-07-26 11:40

  • 8590A升级/转换可提高其频率稳定性吗?

    the first LO with external frequency control to stabilize it? Again, there will be challenges with front

    2018-10-30 17:17

  • 数字滤波器模块(DFB)数据在哪里

    对于任何想在数字滤波器块(DFB)中编写DSP程序的人,我建立了一个增强的微型开发环境,这里可以免费使用(遵循页面顶部的绿色按钮来下载安装程序):我的数据在哪里和什么时候?DFB主题我是新的DFB块(和DSP一般),并创建这个工具帮助我更快地了解它。它也大大加速了我的DFB编程和测试。迷你IDE生成每个指令周期的设备状态图,指示DFB的区域、每个Q.23值和流水线延迟。活动(使用)数据路径为Blue Blue,活动(未使用)数据路径为瘦重蓝色,非活动数据路径为灰色:其他特点:整个环境被保存在一个单一的项目FILGELBOLL(IN1,IN2,SEM0,SEM1,SEM2)值可以预先安排在特定的循环中被送到ToT模拟器上,你可以通过一个周期到下一个指令的“来回”擦洗,并看到图表改变增强ACU和数据RAM VI。表示十六进制、DFB q.23和每个周期的有符号整数值,以及在十六进制、dfb q.23和有符号整数跳转DigaRAMP条件下将符号名添加到DISPLAY VALUE值的能力。我知道你是从柏树搬来的,但我想感谢你的帖子和认真的努力,寻找更好的沟通或可视化流水线延迟的方法。我希望通过这个工具生成的图表接近你的目标。MunuSundin -你的博客关于DFB的帖子对理解DFB有帮助-谢谢!这个工具的C源代码可以在GITHUB上提供给任何想要它的人:GITHUB—PAPHILPS/DFB:一个开发和排除CyPress PSoC数字滤波器的微型开发环境…当做,保罗 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文For anyone thinking about writing DSP programs in the Digital Filter Block (DFB), I built an enhanced mini development environment that is available at no cost here (follow the green button at the top of the page to download the installer): Where and when is my data? | DFB Topics I was new to the DFB block (and DSP in general) and creating this tool helped me learn it much faster. It also significantly accelerates my DFB programming and testing. The mini-IDE produces a diagram of the device state for each instruction cycle indicating the areas of the DFB, the q.23 values in each, and the pipeline delays. Active (used) datapath is bold blue, active (unused) datapath is thin weight blue, and inactive datapath is gray: Other features: Entire environment is saved in a single project fileGlobal (In1, In2, Sem0, Sem1, Sem2) values can be pre-scheduled to be fed tot he simulator at specific cyclesYou can 'Scrub' back and forth through the instructions from one cycle to the next and see the diagram changesEnhanced ACU and Data Ram visualization showing hex, DFB q.23, and signed integer values at each cycle, and ability to add symbolic names to displayValue converter between hex, DFB q.23, and signed integerJump diagramJump condition overviewOutput values listed by cycle number chris.keeser - I understand you moved on from Cypress, but wanted to thank you for your postings and earnest efforts to find a better way to communicate or visualize the pipelining delays. I hope the diagrams generated by this tool come close to your goals there. MagnusLundin - your blog postings about the DFB were a help in understanding the DFB - thanks! The C# source code for this tool is available on github for anyone who wants it: GitHub - paphillips/DFB: A mini development environment for developing and troubleshooting the Cypress PSoC Digital Filt… Regards,Paul

    2018-10-11 15:43

  • 全集成型ADC,简化了哪些电路设计过程?


    2019-01-16 17:31

  • 克服驱动并联 LED 串的难题

    。作者:John Bettenhttp://www.edn.com/design/led/4424539/Overcome-the-challenges-of-driving-parallel-LED-strings

    2018-09-18 16:42

  • MEMS技术:面向21世纪的关键技术 --新兴趋势和经济机会

    to solutions for practically all grand societal challenges humanity is facing, such as sustainable growth

    2015-09-25 10:22

  • 不稳定的ADC值

    嗨,我在PSoC3上玩ADC,我有CY8CKIT-030。我的问题是,即使我把输入GPIO(P4.6)连接到VSSA,RAWEVE也非常粗糙。它在30位和40位之间跳跃,我期望一个更稳定的值。是否有可能使噪音变小,使其在±1位上稳定?当然,外部电压参考将有帮助,我会尝试,但它不可能获得更多的稳定性与内部参考和没有过滤器?我正在使用:-分辨率:16位转换模式:2速率2000 SPS -输入模式:单缓冲器增益:1缓冲器模式:轨到轨-VREF:内部绕过P0.3-时钟:内部I代码:空主(){初始();而(永远){AdCyStistCurror();AdcI ISEnTrimeAdvices(AdcWaWiTi FoRayREST);RAWDATA=ADCJGETRESULT32();SaMPTF(缓冲器,“%LD”,RAWDATA);UARTHIPPATSHIPE(缓冲器);UARTHIPPUCRLF(0x20);}所以我把我的RAWDATA显示在我的终端上。谢谢 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文Hi, i'm playing around with the ADC on the PSOC3, i've got the CY8CKIT-030. My Problem is even if i connect my input GPIO (P4.6) to VSSA, the rawvalue is very rough. It jumps around between bit 30 and bit 40, i expect a more stable value. Is it possible to get the noise smaller, so that it is stable on +-1 bit? Sure a external voltage reference will help, i will try that, but isnt it possible to get more stability with the internal reference and without a filter? I'm using: -resolution: 16 Bit -conversion mode: 2 -rate 2000sps -input mode: single -buffer gain: 1 -buffer mode: rail to rail -Vref: internal bypassed on P0.3 -clock: internal my code: void main(){ Initial(); while(forever) { ADC_StartConvert(); ADC_IsEndConversion(ADC_WAIT_FOR_RESULT); Rawdata = ADC_GetResult32(); sprintf(Buffer, "%ld", Rawdata); UART_PutString (Buffer); UART_PutCRLF(0x20); } } so i get my rawdata displayed in my terminal. Thanks

    2019-05-27 13:53

  • 什么是WiMAX CPE收发器?


    2019-08-22 07:59

  • 仅监测ID的OTF方法有什么优势?


    2021-05-12 06:02

  • 请告诉我如何在Grid nvidia中安装该程序?

    亲爱的开发人员,请告诉我如何在Grid nvidia中安装该程序?只需安装应用程序已锁定,我想看看它们是如何工作的。对不起,英语不好。以上来自于谷歌翻译以下为原文Dear developers, please tell me how to install the program in the Grid nvidia? Just install the application is locked, and I want to see how they work. Sorry for the bad English.

    2018-09-11 16:37