at GNDWarning (13410): Pin "s_data" is stuck at GNDWarning: Design contains 2 input pin(s) that do
2015-08-07 11:23
:OV7670_Special_Effects(0); break;case 1:OV7670_Special_Effects(1); break;case 2:OV7670_Special_Effects(2);
2017-11-07 23:36
\ccs_base\common\bin\fsutiljni.dll: Can't find dependent librariesAn internal error occurred during
2016-06-07 21:11
, actually external addressable space is dependent on package pin out Supports 8-/16-bit data width
2023-06-16 06:54
statements.Place any dependent .subckt or .model definitions within the main (top-level) .subckt.
2017-08-03 21:14
of another package you will be notified of the dependent packages. You should use
2018-05-15 02:38
using the fast ODR setting to reach magnetometer data rates higher than 80hz. I have noticed
2019-02-19 12:19
to get a varied bandwidth in simulation and view the effects on its PAE (power added efficiency
2019-01-04 15:24
想要使用data capture功能,但是下载下来的文件夹(见附件)中没有data_capture.bat这个文件。点击其他文件显示找不到系统路径。请问data capture功能怎么使用?附件DataCapture
2018-10-23 09:29
下面这样的判断居然不对data1:0110,0110data2 : 0011,0011if(data1[7:1] == data2[6:0])这样判断怎么不合理呢?
2013-05-21 15:24