导读:Intelligent Energy日前推出一款新式电源设备--Upp,此设备可用于多种便携电子设备充电和供电的个人电源设备,对于要求最高、最耗电的智能手机,Upp依然能够提供至少一周
2018-11-29 11:14
/Wiscam-Intelligent-fan.git1、下位机(Arduino程序) const int analogOutPin = 9; //模拟输出引脚int flase = 0;int sensorValue = 0
2017-07-06 10:03
ccs3.3中编译出现如下警告:>> warning: creating output section csmpasswds without SECTIONS
2018-09-05 11:08
of registers into RAM megafunctions when creating nodes. The resulting number of registers remaining in design
2022-03-19 21:33
creating output section "PacketData" without a SECTIONS
2018-06-21 03:21
Our project(IHCS) is aim to house control. You can control your TV set, water heater, automatic window chains, etc.MCU is widely use in single task, but we could also run multiple tasks by simple real-time operating systems, such as UCOS-II, RTX.Description about our project:Wanted architecture: C/S or B/S.(Any type is okay) Our project need end-user node, we will implenment it by running TCP/IP stack on MCU SLH89F5162.(Supported by organizers.) Of couse we need a server and running database on it. Each terminal connect to the server by TCP or UDP connections. Deployment:House-controller based on MCU SLH89F5162 connect to server which the manament node. Your company's PC or mobilephone also connect to the server. Just click or tip mobilephone's touch-screen that the UE will send a command to server, the server will reaction. The server will send a command to IHCS systems , and then IHCS based on SLH89F5162 will parse the command and reaction as the command received.
2013-10-28 16:01
of products of HART protocol , the interfacing card for intelligent positioner based on HARTprotocol
2009-08-08 09:43
Brief overview of Keysight's new Intelligent Yield Enhancement Test.
2019-09-17 12:29
Updated user guide for Intelligent Test Framework Software Solutions, Revision 3.1.
2019-09-16 10:52
Provides instructions on how to install and configure the Intelligent Test Framework Server and ART/AQT Viewer Client applications.
2019-09-12 13:18