to reduce system noise and to improve fan reliability. When fan control is augmented by fan speed monitorin
2009-04-17 11:52
Abstract: A circuit is shown that allows a MAX6650 fan speed regulator IC to control a high-voltage
2009-04-17 11:40
灯光控制系统电路,ht Control System It is easy to install a couple of infrared emitter and receiver
2010-02-27 09:42
Abstract: Controlling the speed of a brushless DC cooling fan is discussed. Examples of discrete
2009-04-18 10:42
rk3228芯片参数介绍 RK3228芯片是一款智能电视盒子芯片,于2015年正式发布。该芯片由瑞芯微和Rockchip联合推出,采用四核Cortex-A7处理器和Mali-400MP GPU,并
2023-08-17 11:09
什么是C-3/C3 system (Command、Control and Communication System) 英文缩写: C-3、C3 system
2010-02-22 10:54
的对应关系: System generator 安装之后会在Simulin模块库中添加一些Xilinx FPGA专用的模块库,包括Basic Element,Communication,Control
2017-11-17 14:29
风扇周波调速电路,fan speed control circuit 关键字:风扇调速器制作,周波调速器制作 这里介绍一个电风扇
2018-09-20 18:52
Abstract: This application note describes how to use a MAXQ2000 microcontroller to control DC fan
2009-04-17 11:02
业届领先的半导体厂商矽恩微电子(SI-EN Technology)近日推出两款高效率的超小尺寸白光驱动SN3228A(四路)/SN3228B(六路), 芯片采用专门开发的UTQFN12(2mmx2mm)封装,突破了传统QFN (2mmx2mm)封装只
2010-08-06 09:33