Prepare theReactions1 Dilute the reference dye 1:500 using nuclease-free PCR-grade water.2 Prepare the experimental reactions by combining the components of the reagent mixture in the order listed in the table below.
2010-08-18 16:06
instrument – choose Agilent● Novel fast Taq mutant for qPCR results in under 40 minutes●
2010-08-17 11:51
Prepare theReactions1 Dilute the reference dye 1:500 using nuclease-free PCR-grade water.2 Prepare the experimental reactions by combining the components of the reagent mixture in the order listed in the table below. Prepar
2010-08-18 16:05
Prepare theReactions1 Dilute the reference dye 1:500 using nuclease-free PCR-grade water.2 Prepare the experimental reactions by combining the components of the reagent mixture in the order listed in the table below. Prepar
2010-08-18 16:08
The TL3116 is an ultra-fast comparator designed to interface directly to TTL logic while operating
2010-09-23 19:14
The The RT9166/A series are CMOS low dropout regulators optimized for ultra-fast transient
2008-05-04 23:06
The Next Generation of QPCR Reagents+ Improved sensitivity and flexibility+ Earlier Ct detection at high and low target concentrations+ Increased SYBR® Green fluorescence with shorter run times
2010-08-08 15:52
ADCMP567: 32L-LFCSP Ultra Fast High Speed Comparator PECL Compatible Data Sheet
2021-01-28 08:01
Detect Inhibitors in RNA Samples for QRT-PCR+ Universal external RNA control+ Sensitive to common
2010-08-08 15:51
RJU3051TDPP-EJ 数据表(360V - 10A - Single Diode Ultra Fast Recovery Diode)
2023-07-11 20:10