converters (DACs). Applications include: selectable fixed-gain DAC, programmable gain DAC, photodiode bias control, amperometric sensor control,
2009-04-18 10:45
converters (DACs). Applications include: selectable fixed-gain DAC, programmable gain DAC, photodiode bias control, amperometric sensor control,
2009-04-20 16:30
converters (DACs). Applications include: selectable fixed-gain DAC, programmable gain DAC, photodiode bias control, amperometric sensor control,
2009-04-24 16:09
Phase-Lock Loop Applications Using the MAX9382
2009-02-21 15:14
Abstract: This application note covers how to decouple a framer from the line interface unit (LIU) so that the user can connect the LIU/framer to a Bipolar or NRZ mode device.
2009-04-20 09:34
标准和白光发光二极管LED的基础知识与驱动,LED circuits and applications 关键字:LED,驱动,元件选择
2018-09-20 18:24
巧用电焊机,Welding applications 关键字:电焊机使用 电焊机的主要功能是焊接。但我在多年的设计、制造、使用中探索
2018-09-20 18:27
Abstract: This application note covers how to decouple a framer from the line interface unit (LIU) so that the user can connect the LIU/framer to a Bipolar or NRZ mode device. This application note applies to following si
2009-04-29 09:57
硬件环境:7A50T 软件环境VIVADO2014.04 项目内容: 7A50t LWIP应用测试 备注:在跑第二个例子的时候,遇到问题“XMD既不是内部命令也不是外部命令”,此问题纠结了一周多,最后在重新安装软件之后问题成功解决,下面是LWIP应用程序的详细测试步骤。 一. 下载程序: 1 . 开启串口,设置波特率,8位uu,1位停止为何无奇偶校验和流控制,在demo文件夹下打开命令提示符窗口,输入“demo_raw_apps.bat", uxiatu所示: 2.如下图所示,程序下载成功 3.当可执行文件完成
2017-02-07 20:28
Abstract: This application note discusses phase frequency detector characteristics that affect phase-locked loop (PLL) dead band and jitter performance. In PLLs that employ charge pump loop filter designs the provision of a minimum duratio
2009-04-20 15:16