The Agilent 8471D detector is a planardoped barrier detector offering thecharacteristics
2010-07-08 14:53
Agilent Technologies offers a ver satileline of multiport coaxial switches.These 50
2010-07-08 15:18
with Agilent 536A and 537A coaxial frequency meters. Convenientreadout with high resolution is provided by long spiral dials. Thes
2010-07-08 15:13
Agilent 8471E 检波器是平面掺杂势垒(PDB)型检波器,虽然它采用的是经济型的封装形式,但它的性能却是和Agilent 8474 PDB 检波器产品系列的性能一样的。该检波器的两端分别为SMA
2010-07-08 15:03
The 8474 series of coaxial detectors arespecifically designed for use in microwaveinstrumentation
2010-07-08 14:58
销售、维修、回收 高频 二手仪器。8765D Agilent 同轴开关、直流到40 GHz,单刀双掷单刀双掷射频微波同轴开关8765D Coaxial Switch,
2020-09-08 12:32
The ADS8471 is an 16-bit, 1-MSPS A/D converter with an internal 4.096-V reference and a
2010-06-03 10:27
NoticeThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.Agilent
2010-08-22 12:21
• Exceptional repeatability for more than 5 million cycles • Excellent isolation, typically > 90 dB at 26.5 GHz; > 60 dB at 40, 50 GHz• Opto-electronic indicators and interrupts
2010-07-12 13:51
高性能射频组件以及复合半导体技术设计和制造领域的全球领导者 RF Micro Devices, Inc.宣布,其将继续努力,实现 RF 功率管理性能方面改进的新里程碑
2012-03-08 08:58