{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"failed to create query: {\n \"regexp\" : {\n \"keyword\" : {\n \"value\" : \".*ADS900 pdf datasheet (10-Bit,.*\",\n \"flags_value\" : 65535,\n \"max_determinized_states\" : 10000,\n \"boost\" : 1.0\n }\n }\n}","index_uuid":"SON-ziQURzKK3JljPlVlCQ","index":"recommend_keyword_search_v1"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"recommend_keyword_search_v1","node":"c8Ry91qkQA6igO07LZRl5w","reason":{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"failed to create query: {\n \"regexp\" : {\n \"keyword\" : {\n \"value\" : \".*ADS900 pdf datasheet (10-Bit,.*\",\n \"flags_value\" : 65535,\n \"max_determinized_states\" : 10000,\n \"boost\" : 1.0\n }\n }\n}","index_uuid":"SON-ziQURzKK3JljPlVlCQ","index":"recommend_keyword_search_v1","caused_by":{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"expected ')' at position 33"}}}]},"status":400}
ahigh bandwidth track/hold, a 10-bit quantizer and aninternal reference.The ADS900 employs digital error correction techniques
2008-12-19 19:10
The ADS821 is a low power, monolithic 10-bit, 40MHzanalog-to-digital converter utilizing a small
2008-12-18 15:22
ADS900: SpeedPlus? 10-Bit, 20MHz, +3V Supply Analog-To-Digital Converter datasheet (Rev. A)
2022-11-04 17:22
The AD9203 is a monolithic low power, single supply, 10-bit, 40 MSPS analog-to-digital converter
2008-08-06 15:27
The ADT7411* combines a 10-bit temperature-to-digital converter and a 10-bit 8-channel ADC in a
2009-08-23 22:35
The AD9218 is a dual 10-bit monolithic sampling analog-to-digital converter with on-chip
2008-08-06 15:28
The AD9761 is a complete dual channel, high speed, 10-bit CMOS DAC. The AD9761 has been
2009-03-24 08:30
2024-07-30 14:11
The ADS5204 is a dual 10-bit 40 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). It simultaneously converts
2010-06-07 12:33
1FEATURESAPPLICATIONS2 3R26; Maximum Sample Rate: 65MSPSR26; 10-Bit ResolutionR26; No Missing
2010-06-07 12:30