{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"failed to create query: {\n \"regexp\" : {\n \"keyword\" : {\n \"value\" : \".*AD9865,pdf datasheet (Broadban.*\",\n \"flags_value\" : 65535,\n \"max_determinized_states\" : 10000,\n \"boost\" : 1.0\n }\n }\n}","index_uuid":"SON-ziQURzKK3JljPlVlCQ","index":"recommend_keyword_search_v1"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"recommend_keyword_search_v1","node":"c8Ry91qkQA6igO07LZRl5w","reason":{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"failed to create query: {\n \"regexp\" : {\n \"keyword\" : {\n \"value\" : \".*AD9865,pdf datasheet (Broadban.*\",\n \"flags_value\" : 65535,\n \"max_determinized_states\" : 10000,\n \"boost\" : 1.0\n }\n }\n}","index_uuid":"SON-ziQURzKK3JljPlVlCQ","index":"recommend_keyword_search_v1","caused_by":{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"expected ')' at position 34"}}}]},"status":400}
The AD9865 is a mixed-signal front end (MxFE) IC for transceiver applications requiring Tx and Rx
2009-09-07 15:32
2019-02-22 15:05
2021-05-21 10:29
2021-04-19 08:39
The AD9865 is a mixed-signal front end (MxFE) IC for transceiver applications requiring Tx and Rx path functionality with data rates up to 80 MSPS.
2017-09-26 10:45
2018-08-02 10:17
The part is well-suited for half- and full-duplex applications. The digital interface is extremely flexible, allowing simple interfacing to digital back ends that support half- or full-duplex data transfers, often allowing the AD9868 to re
2009-09-08 08:09
The AD9244 is a monolithic, single 5 V supply, 14-bit, 40 MSPS/65 MSPS ADC with an on-chip, high performance sample-and-hold amplifier (SHA) and voltage reference.The AD9244 uses a multistage differential pipelined architec-ture with o
2009-09-09 09:12
The AD9863 is a member of the MxFE family—a group of integrated converters for the communications market. The AD9863 integrates dual 12-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADC) and dual 12-bit digital-to-analog converters (TxDAC®). The
2009-09-08 09:56
The AD7676 is a 16-bit, 500 kSPS, charge redistribution SAR,fully differential analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that operatesfrom a single 5 V power supply. The part contains a highspeed 16-bit sampling ADC, an internal conver
2009-09-10 09:21