to automatically control the conversion the MAX190 12-bit SAR analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The delay between conversions can
2009-04-16 17:40
analog-to-digital converter (ADC). It contains a precision 12-bit Σ-Δ ADC and an on-chip oscillator. C
2009-12-01 16:20
to automatically control the conversion the MAX190 12-bit SAR analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The delay between conversions can
2009-05-08 10:03
a 12-bit digital thermometer using a low-cost, 8-bit microcontroller (µC) and the M
2009-03-31 22:25
ADI ADN4667 3 V LVDS Quad CMOS Differential Line Driver The ADN4667 is a
2008-04-09 16:37
This application note explains how to implement a 12-bit digital thermometer using a low-cost
2009-04-17 10:18
12V to 1.5V 10A and 1.8V 10A converter
2008-10-22 18:20
Abstract: This application note provides an example of interfacing an A/D converter to a
2009-05-08 09:42
AD9649是一款单芯片、单通道、14位、20/40/65/80 MSPS模数转换器(ADC),采用1.8 V电源供电,
2023-04-12 18:52
ADI推出16位,25 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS/105 MSPS的模拟到数字转换器 The AD96
2010-07-31 11:20