2013-01-05 15:56
概述:78M6618采用四面QNF68脚封装。78M6618是高度集成的单相、八路 电源 出口、PDU功率测量和监控SoC,器件包括32位计算引擎(CE)、MPU内核、RTC和闪存。
2021-04-12 08:01
78M6618 八通道功率和电能测量芯片78M6618是高度集成的单相、八路电源出口、PDU功率测量和监控SoC,器件包括32位计算引擎(CE)、MPU内核、RTC和闪存。Teridian通过一次
2011-12-23 20:17
, printed-circuit-board (PCB) layout is often one of the last steps in the design process.
2015-01-23 11:01
H15Z15 Board circuit !!!!!!!
2015-07-04 11:57
; www.tradeofic.com) 1、 印制电路:printed circuit 2、 印制线路:printed wiring 3、 印制板:printed
2009-03-02 14:29
` 1. 板:board 2. 印制板:printed board 3. 印制电路:printed circuit
2018-04-27 09:32
selection and circuit design techniques? PART 3: Printed circuit board layout techn
2009-10-15 14:20
2015-06-12 11:18
This paper proposes a new test strategy for complex boards since the trend in Printed Circuit Board Assembly
2019-03-12 08:08