描述The PMP40025 is a universal AC input, 48W output flyback converter based on primary side
2018-12-03 16:41
本帖最后由 oldzhangzcm 于 2015-9-9 13:26 编辑 DK124是国产单片式离线自供电小功率电源芯片,我用它设计了一款输出功率达48w的BUCK电路,实验结果很理想
2015-09-02 23:04
, but is a low cost, compact (no transformer)2W to 6W power supply accepting the wor
2009-05-12 11:01
200W PC ATX Power Supply电路图
2009-11-21 10:36
0-50W的switching mode power supply(SMPS): 根据应用场合,可以选择100kHz到1MHz的开关频率。 功率为 50W-500W的
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A 160 W CRT TV Power Supply using NCP1337Valley switching converters, also known asquasi?resonant
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switching noise, the power supply can be automaticallysynchronized at the fixed frequency
2009-03-27 15:56
2012-08-16 11:53
描述PMP40025 是一款基于初级侧调节 (PSR) 的通用交流输入 48W 输出反激式转换器,可省去光耦合器和二次侧反馈组件,从而降低了 BOM 成本。此设计具有单个 48V/1A 输出特性
2022-09-20 06:46
A 75 W TV Power Supply Operating in Quasi-square Wave Resona
2012-08-16 12:58