MAX11040 4-channel, simultaneous-sampling 24-bit ADC is cascadable to 32 channels for unprecedented simplicity in system design
2009-06-27 23:42
MAX16814 Integrated, 4-Channel, High-Brightness LED Driver with High-Voltage DC-DC Controller
2009-08-22 09:08
Precision constant-current sink provides wide, close-to-the-rail compliance Abstract
2010-08-21 21:10
I²C and SPI constant current static LED drivers. These techniques can be applied to other I/O expanders with
2009-04-23 14:21
激光器恒电流驱动电路,constant current laser driver 关键字:激光器恒电流驱动电路 本电路采用运放搭建电流反馈
2018-09-20 19:50
细说恒流源,detail of constant current source 关键字:细说恒流源 恒流源是电路中广泛使用的一个组件
2018-09-20 18:52
Abstract: The MAX1464 can be easily configured to generate constant current excitation for sensors
2009-04-20 15:56
简单恒流充电器,Simple constant current charger 关键字:充电器,恒流充电器电路,充电器制作
2018-09-20 20:31
实用恒流充电器,Constant current charger 关键字:恒流充电器制作 镍镉或镍氢电池对充电有严格要求.但市场上出售
2018-09-20 20:14
Abstract: A shunt regulator provides a constant reference voltage across a digital potentiometer
2009-04-29 09:28