mysql -h localhost -u 用戶名 -p密碼 //連接數據庫use desk_show;//使用數據庫show tables; //顯示
2019-07-15 06:08
2021-06-30 07:53
Planned maintenance procedure and schedule for the SJ50 Series II.
2019-09-04 09:50
Machine setup procedures and technical information regarding all SJ50 Series IImachine components.
2019-09-05 09:47
本帖最后由 mr.pengyongche 于 2013-4-30 03:09 编辑 来源:《电子技术应用》详细资料参考 摘要:介绍利用高速微处理器TMS320C542实现脱机视频
2012-03-13 10:47
SJ50 Series II frt view - med image
2019-07-29 16:39
Agilent SJ50 Series II and its patent-pending Solid Shape Modeling backgrounder.
2019-07-23 17:02
51单片机与DM542接线。P10接PUL- P11接DIR- P12接ENA- 信号端加个10K电阻串联采用共阳级接法 PUL+、DIR+、ENA+ 接5VDIR //控制方向ENA//使能步进
2021-07-08 08:16
Machine setup procedures and technical information regarding all SJ50 Series IImachine components.
2019-09-09 16:10
Engineering overview guide regarding how to operate and program the SJ50 Series II AOI Machine.
2019-09-11 09:53