买了两片Alientek的TFTLCD module,一片v1.9使用LGDP4535的驱动IC,一片v1.8使用ILI9328的驱动IC,在正常16-bit 的操作都没有问题。但是现在有新的案子
2020-04-07 04:35
本帖最后由 一只耳朵怪 于 2018-6-21 10:00 编辑 AM3358的PRU的GPI有“Direct Input”,“16-Bit Parallel Capture”以及
2018-06-21 02:27
Micro:bit通过Servo Driver for micro:bit(舵机驱动板)进行PWM接口扩展,通过I2C即可控制16路舵机。
2020-11-05 07:18
,如何将ADV212连接到16-bit Host CPU?要通过25线连接到PC,如何连啊?2) the FIFO threshold registers (FFTHRP, FFTHRC, FFTHRA
2018-11-26 09:25
ColorSpace_UYVY,16-bit 输入模式,不知是否需要将在vpfe_capture.c里的vpfe_pixel_format结构体的ccdc_pixorder由CCDC_PIXORDER_CBYCRY
2018-05-28 00:46
for calculating how many machine cycles it takes for a 16-bit by 16-bit unsigned integer multiplication,im using
2019-03-27 06:47
在rm0091手册的24.4.3小节提到,CK_SPRE can be used as timebase for the 16-bit wakeup auto-reload timer. 从芯片内部
2024-05-06 08:30
through GPIF and send them as 16-bit pixels (zero padded) over YUV format?What I would like to do
2018-11-30 16:14
McASP;2. FrameSync是高电平时长32个bit,低电平时长32个bit;3. 有效数据是左对齐,时长16个bit;问题是这样的:1. McASP采集这样的
2018-05-28 10:22
DENOMINATOR REGISTER begin spi_addr<=16\'h0001;//Sets the 16-bit denominator of the fractional
2023-12-19 08:01