This book describes the results of a systematic investigation of thepiezojunction effect in silicon. The aim of this investigation is twofold: Firstly,to find techniques which reduce the affects of mechanical stress for the accu
2009-07-18 11:15
2015-11-05 17:02
This book describes the results of a systematic investigation of thepiezojunction effect in silicon. The aim of this investigation is twofold: Firstly,to find techniques which reduce the affects of mechanical stress for the accu
2009-07-22 11:04
2020-07-02 10:02
2008-07-18 00:26
本文讨论了为什么电器设计人员应考虑将霍尔效应传感器集成电路(IC)用于电机控制。本文档涵盖了提高电机效率的几个关键设计特征,例如精度,响应时间,功耗和封装。 介绍 包括冰箱,洗衣机和空调在内的设备中
2021-04-29 14:52
霍尔效应传感器集成电路TLE4941的目的是提供有关信息转速到现代车辆动态控制系统和ABS 。
2023-01-08 14:56
2021-04-28 10:09
现代传感器集成电路 图像及磁传感器电路 本书分为三章,主要介绍各类面陈和线陈图像传感器
2009-12-22 11:23
2016-02-18 17:09