应用处理器的全名叫最多媒体应用处理器(Multimedia Application Processor), 简称MAP。它是在低功耗CPU的基础上扩展音视频功能和专用接口的超大规模集成电路。MAP是伴随着智能手机而产
2009-12-01 13:27
i.mx 6dual/6quad汽车和信息娱乐处理器代表了集成多媒体应用处理器的最新成就。这些处理器是越来越多的多媒体产
2019-10-31 08:00
2015-04-08 16:23
The MCIMX31 and MCIMX31L multimedia applications processors represent the next step in low-power, high-performance application processors. Unless otherwise specified
2017-09-19 10:10
Although multimedia is on the tip of everybody‘s tongue when we talk about the advanced capabilities of new wireless handheld communications devices, the technologies that can really turn multimedia services into useful tools and eye-popping entertainment are just beginning to reach the marketplace.
2017-09-13 08:41
2014-06-11 14:44
The i.MX27 and i.MX27L (MCIMX27/MX27L) multimedia applications processors represents the next step in low-power, high-performance application processors.
2017-09-19 10:04
2014-06-11 14:46
多媒体处理器通常是便携式电子设备中功耗最高的器件。降低 CPU 功耗要求的常见方法是降低时钟频率或工作电压,但是一般而言这样做会使系统性能降低。另一方面,芯片设计人员还提出了各种片上方法来降低
2011-09-26 16:25
2021-04-02 06:19