2022-01-14 07:46
that S11 and S12 are of the order of 20 dB at 6 GHz, which is not given this attenuator is rated
2019-02-26 11:21
is 33dBm the limitation of PNAX at 11-24GHz? Thanks, Foong附件PIN-15_ATT10DB_IF1_SM_TL.png40.7 KB
2019-05-21 12:46
手册里边8个数码管的段码是各用个的,我也没找到位码该怎么分配,帮帮忙module scan_led(clk,rst,sm_seg,sm_bit);input clk,rst;output[7:0
2013-12-21 21:19
c6748通过ov摄像头采集的RGB图像如何转成灰度?从图像地址中数据存放类型是32-bit hex 还是16-bit hex或6-bit hex?如何把R,G,B分量提取出来?谢谢
2019-08-13 06:41
手册里边8个数码管的段码是各用个的,我也没找到位码该怎么分配,帮帮忙module scan_led(clk,rst,sm_seg,sm_bit);input clk,rst;output[7:0
2015-02-06 21:52
is 30 ns. The frequencies are 1 to 3 GHz. The attenuator is a 2 bit 6 dB step (18 d
2018-10-08 14:38
数码管60计数的程序:module clock(clk_50m,rstc,sm_seg_out,sm_bit_out); inputclk_50m; inputrstc; output [7:0
2013-08-06 21:43
2023-12-05 06:28
2019-07-31 06:22