Cypress 可以通过EZ-PD Configuration utility 对 CCGX进行一系列的配置,请问CCG5是通过I2C interface来进行配置吗,是否有相关的文档,哪里可以购买USB转I2C工具
2024-02-28 06:15
the interface be changed from the default SPI to run as I2C? I would like to do this to evaluate a
2019-06-13 06:05
in-circuit test/programming fixtures and considering to connect SWD interface together with I2C
2018-08-29 14:19
everyone, I want to provide an i2c interface between Arduino UNO and PSoC 5LP (cy8ckit-059).
2018-08-19 04:51
interface.I'd prefer C# example code for Visual Studio.I have custom software that needs to communicate ove
2019-03-19 09:03
大家好,我想建立一个安装有两个PIC32为基础的板(PIC32 MZ2048 FH064作为接口板和PIC32 MK1024GPE作为PWM发生器)。我想用I2C作为威刚交换总线(将参数写入SLAB
2018-09-06 16:13
嗨,我正在继续与PIC32 MK的“战斗”。你知道如何定义I2C引脚吗?没有概念I2C1,I2C2…SDA和SCL没有提到相关的输入/输出表中。顺便说一下,SDA引脚是双向的。是否需要使用“手动
2018-11-20 15:22
hello all,i am trying to interface 128x64 i2c based oled display with pic24fj128gb606.
2018-09-13 15:24
()在接口和总线空闲之前旋转。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文In my CY8C5888FNI design with fixed-function master I2C interface (IP
2018-10-29 11:38
with I2C interface and I want to connect the device externally with the kit using SCL-SDA pins. How can
2018-11-08 15:03